I am a fifth year PhD candidate in Computer Science at Harvard University, where I am advised by Prof. David Parkes. My research explores topics at the intersection of Deep Learning, Algorithmic Economics and Multi-Agent Systems.
I'm also a student researcher at Google Research, collaborating with the Algorithms and Optimization Team in NYC on topics at the intersection of mechanism design and LLMs. Previously, I worked with the Market Algorithms team in Mountain View on Auctions and Reinforcement Learning.
Before coming to Harvard, I was a Research Fellow at Microsoft Reseach, India with the Machine Learning and Optimization group. I received a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Email | CV | Google Scholar | Github
Optimal Auctions through Deep Learning: Advances in Differentiable Economics
(Alphabetical) P. Dutting, Z. Feng, H. Narasimhan, DC. Parkes, SS. Ravindranath
— Journal of the ACM (JACM), September 2023
— Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 64 (8), August 2021
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Combinatorial Auctions
SS. Ravindranath, Z. Feng, D. Wang, M. Zaheer, A. Mehta, DC. Parkes
Under submission
Deep Learning for Two-Sided Matching
SS. Ravindranath, Z. Feng, S. Li, J. Ma, SD. Kominers, DC. Parkes
Under submission
Data Market Design through Deep Learning
SS. Ravindranath*, Y. Jiang*, DC Parkes
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023
From Predictions to Decisions: Using Lookahead Regularization
N. Rosenfeld, S. Hilgard, SS. Ravindranath, DC. Parkes
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020
Optimal Auctions through Deep Learning
(Alphabetical) P. Dutting, Z. Feng, H. Narasimhan, DC Parkes, SS. Ravindranath
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2019
Salient Object Detection via Objectness Measure
SS. Ravindranath, RV. Babu
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2015
Machine Learning for Matching Markets
(Alphabetical) Z. Feng, DC. Parkes, SS. Ravindranath
In F. Echenique N. Immorlica and V. Vazirani, editors
Online matching theory and market design. Cambridge University Press, 2022.
Machine Learning for Optimal Economic Design
(Alphabetical) P. Dutting, Z. Feng, N. Golowich, H. Narasimhan, DC. Parkes, SS. Ravindranath
In JF Laslier, H. Moulin, MR. Sanver, WS. Zwicker, editors,
The Future of Economic Design. Springer, 2019
Learning Objective functions for Improved Image retrieval
SS. Ravindranath, M. Gygli, LV. Gool
MediaEval 2015 Workshops
IIT Kharagpur innovation to monitor fatigue level in pilots.
Hindustan Times, 2016
Stressed? Now, wear a pair of glasses and find out how much.
Times of India, 2016